Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Waking up early is good

It's a terrible afflication, I enjoy waking up early, unlike most people at my age. I hope it's not contagious like the flu. Or snoring. But I never did mind waking up early, it's just that until recently I never did because of staying up until 3 AM every night, which meant I crawled out of bed around 10 or 11 AM. So I told (or promised for you optimistic weirdos) to go to bed early so I could get up earlier. Again. It worked, and it wasn't a New Years Resolution, because those always end up being broken, and that's also why I never make any.

On the subject of dreams, I get really weird ones, but the strangest I get are dreams involving me and mere acquaintances getting along all chum-chummy like, which is weird, because that contradicts the whole point of being 'meh' friends/acquaintences. I wish there was surgery for this, I'm sure I'd pay good money to get rid of it.

I'm still stuck on the fence if I should have breakfast before or after brushing my teeth. I like the freshness in my mouth before I eat something, but then again, I'm getting my mouth all full of food after waking up and washing it. And also, toothpaste, especially with that weird minty flavour, makes some of my food taste weird, especially my morning Frutopia, makes it all sour because of - I don't remember the science behind it but it means I have to wait (which means I get more hungrier) so my food doesn't taste like it came out of the rear end of a sub-saharan African animal. Pick any one, I really don't care.

Okay, Spiderman 3, I'm sure everyone's watched it by now, and - I really don't care what everyone (most other people) thought, I thought it was pretty good, but with a villain like Venom, they didn't really satisfy the really hardcore Spidey fans - I watched the old Marvel cartoons back in the day - so I didn't really like their interpretation of Venom, so comic book fans may be more ticked off but I thought it was a good movie regardless. There are worse movies out there.

Oh, and until you've watched the movie, just because the Symbiote is black and Peter's hair is down "emo" style, he is far from emo; womanizing is far from an emo characteristic. Neither is this:

On the subject of superheroes, who has watched NBC's Heroes? Unlike most other people, I didn't jump on the bandwagon onto a very successful show halfway in, I was in from the start - heck, before the start, I watched the leaked pilot in July or August (first episode). I remember seeing a promo or two in June/July, googled it, thought to myself, "Sci-fi is finally going to make it in prime time", considering there were some the year before that didn't do so well.

If you haven't watched Heroes though, you better find some way to catch up for the second season in September with the finale next Monday. Do it or you might find yourself waking up missing some vital organs or extremities. (Disclaimer: I really didn't mean that, in case you're deciding to call 911 or not but pretend I didn't say this.) One other show I'm planning on watching is Gilmour Girls, since the series is over (as in no more, that's it - kaput) I don't have to worry about catching up before September when it would've aired again. But 7 seasons is alot to go through.

Oh, and I have a Wii. More on that later.

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