Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Freedom! ... Pending?


Almost... Just when I think I'm done with this term, I remembered I had some tests and an exam this term. But I didn't expect alot more than well... what I was expecting. My history paper was dead easy, 1000 words, short of trying to keep it at 1000 words maximum. My last lab report was due just yesterday, and like other lab reports I had no idea what I was doing. But I handed it in on time.

Tests? Chem Laboratory test is next week Friday. Poli sci test is Tuesday and a final Chemistry exam and I AM DONE. ... for this term.

So anyways, away from such brooding topics. I want to tell you about my day at school, because I can do that and it's really coooooooool.

Yesterday was Poli Sci day, which I generally loathe because... well let's start somewhere else. At least I'm not the only person. Only person what? Okay, my brain is still fried. Anyways, this week, I found out the people in my poli sci tutorial (note: I am the only yellow guy there - yes, I know it's Poli Sci) also equally find the professor just maybe a few sandwiches short of a picnic. It seems they're not the supersmart political science philosopher wannabes (maybe 2 of them are), which is extremely relieving because I felt like I was trapped in a room as the only complete idiot. Also, my poli sci lecture is extremely boring. I spend my time generally browsing the internet and copying down whatever comes up on the PowerPoint slides. But there are total Poli Sci nerds in this lecture. Naturally, they sit at the front. Luckily everyone in my tutorial pretty much agrees those idiots ask the most pathetic questions (Osama bin Laden while we're on the topic of constituions? I'm not that stupid but those are barely relevant) and waste maybe 20 minutes out of the 2 hour lecture and our prof always goes off on these crazy tangents, mumbles at times and worst of all, in a large lecture hall, he tries to use the blackboard at the front of the room. Noone understands him, and its unanimous in our tutorial that we're pretty much screwed for the midterm test. And I do not want my Poli sci essay back, or "2200 words of my arrogance and lack of political knowledge".

And here I was thinking Political Science for white people was what Math is for Chinese people. But it sort of still is in a sense. I mean, we get a 10-minute break in class, and people do discuss politics during this time.

Also, I'd like to mention, I posted (or will soon be, I'm writing both at once, but I'll be quick about it) in this post on my Xanga how to subscribe to RSS feeds (e.g. how to subscribe to my blog) if you haven't already did or tried to figure it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you make me sexy