Okay, so the first question you (in most cases myself, re-reading this) might have is, "What the hell? After so long?" Yes, after my last post in December 2007, I'm back! (Possibly with a vengeance; I haven't decided yet). After much goading from my inner voice (that never shuts up) and also the fact that I have no real outlet to express ... things anywhere else, this was an ideal time for my return. That means it's time to dust off the cupboards (that serve no real purpose, the doors don't even work!) and get back to typing about whatever thoughts that decide to squat in my mind. Unless it was a song I heard on the radio. Because I can google that stuff. I'm not stupid. Enough.
So what has changed inbetween all that time? Well, if you assume I wasn't frozen in stasis, I would have grown older and wiser. You might say I have accumulated more experience. Maybe even leveled up. The latter I did plenty of. Of course, to make it clear, YES, I was in fact playing World of Warcraft since January of 2008, so of course I did plenty of leveling up. So, I was basically frozen in stasis. Have I accumulated more experience? Not in any real-life sense. If anything, I might even be more immature than I have ever been. That might explain my absence in any social or mental development. Oh, and I know how to use semi-colons. Most of the time. At least I keep telling myself that.
Of course, this is the fabled Internet of yore, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. Truckloads, rather.
Most of what I say is 33% truth, 33% fiction and 33% of me trying to be funny. And 1% of something else I can't describe. I should google it. [Author's note: I tried to make it add to 101% but I forgot 3(33)+1 equals 100. Can't even do bad math, sheesh.]
Secondly, time to settle this age-old (more like week-old) argument if this post means it is a sequel, or a reboot relative to my previous entries. Since I chose to forgo setting up a new site, we can assume a few facts: I am lazy, and this was entirely done to specifically confuse you (i.e. myself in four years regretting that I wrote this at all).
A reboot? Given the recent popularity of reboots throughout Hollywood, maybe I was influenced by this? Well, given the fact that my only use of the word 'reboot' was the CGI cartoon and what you do to restart your computer, like hell I knew I could reboot something in the TV/movie sense.
Well, if we approach this logically, I haven't been recast with someone more handsome, virile and younger than me (Sorry, ladies! Not that you'd read this anyway) or been re-imaged in a more modern setting and especially since neither Christopher Nolan or J.J. Abrams & Co. are any at bit in charge of how my life is running (that or they are exceptionally good puppetmasters, since I can't seem to find this veil they're hiding behind) I'm going to have to eliminate the possibility this is a reboot at all.
Perhaps a sequel? Well, I could slap a "2" beside the title and call it a day, but that means I would have to set up another blog somewhere else. Too much work. Key questions that need answering: Has time passed? Yes. Is there a new threat that I need to rise up to challenge? Not really, unless you count the incessant voice in my head, so half-yes. Do I have a sidekick? Nope. Do I suddenly lose all semblance of a status quo and start challenging all the assumptions I've had as wrong, or something, before I finally realize I knew the real truth all along? Umm ... pass.
It's probably not a sequel eiher. But if it was, I would want to write the title to it. That would be an awesome job, wouldn't it? Would I put a "2" beside it, or something that indicates "here we go again"? Let's give it a try:
- Sotally Tober 2
- Sotally Tober Returns
- Sotally Tober Again (additional "and Again"s for further additions)
Well that was boring. We should spice it up with a subtitle. Or if you're feeling particularly adventurous, we could use multiple.
- Sotally Tober 2: Here We Go Again
- Sotally Tober 2: Collective Groan
- Sotally Tober 2: Vengeance
- Sotally Tober 2: Yet Another Post: The Reckoning Begins: Vengeance Returns with a Vengeance: A Modern Tale of Tragic Comedy in a Post-Post-9/11 World
Maybe I went a little overboard on the last one.
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