Thursday, February 17, 2011

How I put the moves on the girl of my dreams, OR, why you shouldn't cut the circulation off to your brain

I don't think I've ever mentioned it enough but I am really thankful that the Internet exists so I can post the most inane, pointless crap that comes to mind for an audience of (at least) one and less than two. (Hint: that would mean me. Note: stop using the same joke over and over again.) There are more important things going on in the world, but I've decided that on this little plot of internet-land that I'm going to do nothing important with it.

I have been sitting on this for quite a while. Over a month, in fact. I like to entertain myself by constantly making up excuses to be busy. I even get studying done because I'd rather use that to procrastinate with. But that's not the point because it's ...

Crazy dream time! Again!